The upgrade or downgrade is active, but the change is not visible from the version number shown. If you currently have the 3.20 update package installed and are running it again because of this change, please note the following: Display firmware version (shown in the process display screen) upgrade/downgrade NVM) while performing an upgrade or downgrade remains unchanged. In this point release, NVM Update Package 3.20 has been updated. Not all Intel Ethernet Adapters and Intel Ethernet Controllers are supported in all versions of Windows, Linux, or FreeBSD. Intel Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack contains all Intel® Ethernet networking software and drivers for Windows, Linux and FreeBSD versions currently supported for most Intel Ethernet Adapters.

Intel Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack: Mit diesem Download wird Version 28.1.1 des® Intel Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack für unterstützte Betriebssystemversionen installiert. Documentation Content Type Compatibility Article ID 000020905 Last Reviewed Operating systems Windows 10, 64-bit Windows 10, 32-bit To view support for specific Intel Ethernet Adapters, review this page- Supported Operating Systems for Retail Intel. Run the driver installation file from a Windows account with administrative rights. This download link is for the driver version 2. Download Intel Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack 28 - Complete Intel Ethernet adapter driver pack for supported versions of Windows Operating System. Downloads Available: 14 All Name Date OS Action Intel Network Adapter Driver for Windows 8.1 Windows 8. DOWNLOAD: Twincat intel pci ethernet adapter driver for mac Intel Network Adapter Driver for PCIe Intel Gigabit. Intel TwinCAT-Intel PCI Ethernet Adapter driver - how to install it manually Download the setup file for Intel TwinCAT-Intel PCI Ethernet Adapter driver from the link below.